Saturday, March 3, 2012

Staying In Touch At #NCTIES12

We are only 4 days away from the start of NCTIES 2012! I dunno about you but the Conference Committee and the entire Board are so very excited to kick things off at the Raleigh Convention Center in just a few days. Everyone has been working hard to make this the best conference yet!

There is lots to experience at the conference. From the great sessions lead by some of the brightest minds in the education community to the vendors showing off the latest in technology to just catching up with old friends there is something for everyone.

But how do you keep up with all that's going on? We have lots of different ways that you can stay on top of all the conference happenings and get more out of your conference experience.

Twitter- You can follow us at @ncties. This is the official channel for anything and everything #NCTIES12 (which is the official hashtag by the way.) From here you can keep up-to-date on schedule changes, vendor happenings, pictures from around the conference, and be the first to hear about some special things we have planned.

Facebook- The home of NCTIES on Facebook is You can find not only all the Tweets from the @ncties Twitter feed but more information too and you can network with other conference attendees.

Flickr Group- Taking pictures at NCTIES 2012? Why not post them to our Flickr Goup? Here you can add your photos of your experiences at the conference for others to share. Oh, and you can post video too!

Conference Wiki- All session presenters are invited to upload their handouts, presentations and anything related to their session to a page created just for them on the Conference wiki. Use this after you leave the conference to find resources from all the sessions. You will also be able to find all the tweets from everyone at the conference who use the #NCTIES12 hashtag.

Edmodo- New this year is our Edmodo community. (  You can find it by creating a free Edmodo account and looking for NCTIES 2012 in the Publisher Community. Once there you can find more about how to use the community and the best part? We have created groups for every session. You can find the group codes here and join the groups for any sessions. Presenters are being encouraged to post resources here as well and this can be a place to carry conversations beyond the conference too. (Want to learn more about how to use Edmodo? Check out the Edmodo Help section. We will also have lots of materials in the Conference handbook as well as folks on site who can answer your questions.)

This year's conference is going to be pretty awesome! We want you to show us all the exciting things you are learning and experienceing. Send your pictures, reactions and more to @ncties or post them to the Facebook page. We will take the some and do a wrap-up here after the conference!

See you in Raleigh!

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